Picture of North Dakotan Speaker Hunter Pinke

The 2023-2024 school year is fast approaching us here at Belle Fourche School District, and to start off our wonderful new school year, we are happy to invite all sports and activities-participating students and their families in the Belle Fourche School District to our annual Fall Booster Club Picnic on Tuesday August 15th 

This event is sponsored by both the Belle Fourche Booster Club and Purple Pride, and our main dish will be graciously sponsored by the National Guard! Further food details will be announced later on as we get closer to the date of the picnic. Picnic/Eating will begin at 6PM at the High School Football Field, and our speaker presentation will begin at 7PM in the High School Gymnasium.

At this year’s event, we are excited to welcome speaker North Dakotan Hunter Pinke to discuss the inspiring topic of overcoming adversity and maintaining the mental mindset of “No Bad Days.” Please look forward to discovering how your response to when life hits can determine your path forward, through Pinke’s personal and moving experience of going from Division I football player to a chest-down paraplegic at age 22. In his speech, Pinke will give tangible examples on how to choose joy, and live life with no bad days, and will provide time after his speech for questions and answers.

We hope to see you all at our Booster Club Picnic for an evening of great company, good food, and encouraging words to help jumpstart another fantastic Broncs school year!